Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Silver platter, extremism, and a hello from my girl hormones

It's easy for me to hate privileged people. Sure, it's irrational and immature, but I guess the response is some form of evolutionary trait. They have things that I don't, and these things can easily transform into things that I want. Channel energies of human nature's discontent, and you couldn't argue with that. Eventually I'll get slapped in the face by my own unused raw forces, and a bit by the tenets of psychological health. Bottom line is, it's easy to hate privileged people, and hate is a good driving force.

Speaking of psychology and forces, I've recently heard from a Grey's Anatomy rerun that we apparently try so hard to improve on the relationship we have with our parents that our adult relationships become merely manifestations of our family's psych drama. Maybe that's where I got my on-either-extremes and can't-stand-mediocrity shit. Maybe it fuels my eternal fountain of attraction for the superlatives.

Oh, and it's the twenty fifth of the month. Twenty fifth day of the year. The red days are coming. And I'm supposed to be swimming with sharks to collect seaweeds soon. I kind of hope. UP Diliman's Seaweed Lab texted me a while ago and my initial reaction was to run two flights of stairs to ask for prepaid load from my mom, well so I can send a message back to Ms Dang of the Seaweed Lab. Maybe this is it. Maybe.

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