Monday, February 13, 2012

Hello swine fat

I wish to occlude my pathetic, insignificant, but nonetheless interestingly new and forcefully cataclysmic thoughts  with equally pathetic, insignificant, but nonetheless cataclysmic ideas, but the thought of having to think about compound ideas gift-wrapped in complex sentences makes my stomach grumble even harder. Plus the use of the same words to make something appear significant while being under a cloak of mystery is kind of getting old. How I wish I have had the same chicken lauriat meal my hilariously insane labmates had earlier tonight.

The waters are carrying me in too deep. Maybe too deep. I am not a fan of sea grass beds, as I am dead scared to get trapped in something too shallow. When I am wearing snorkels, standing up is a blasphemy, even if the water is only knee deep. I guess I should be scared about the open waters, the forceful waves, and the great probability of being eaten alive by the ocean. But staring becomes so nice when something helps you breathe on an environment that is supposed to kill you. A deadly environment with beautiful colors and weird locomotion. There, occlusion. Success.

Cue Suede's Beautiful Ones and I can welcome the 14th of this month in three, two,...

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