Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Dark circles

I learned to drink coffee during my sophomore year in high school. I had an incredibly boring teacher, and she administers quizzes everyday. Naturally, I wouldn't know a single thing about our lessons because I slept during her classes (though I would like to argue that those periods do not meet academic standards enough to be called classes). When I get home around five pm, I am already sleepy, so I started drinking coffee to get through Asian History.

And there I was, a thirteen year old substance abuser, loaded up on so much caffeine that I couldn't sleep at night (back then I didn't have a concept of caffeine overdose; after I finish a cup I simply made another one, such that I may have ingested ten cups a day at a certain time). Two am used to be my bed time, and I had to wake up by five. Now that I think about it, I was practically a zombie during high school.

Hence, the eye bags. I would have preferred dark circles around my eyes, but all I had were those puffy bags. I like dark circles on eyes, there's something beautiful about them. Maybe the depth it adds on a person, like seeing all those nocturnal adventures immortalized on a day time smile. It's like looking at someone and not seeing at the same time, as if the physical entity is merely a projection of the existential dimension you both share, but never of the other dimensions of being the person has. Like a secret you see and know, but can never really comprehend. A portal.

Seven years later, post-alcohol addiction and existentialism depressions, I'm still trying to get those beautiful dark circles instead of the puffy bags.

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