Monday, October 31, 2011

Things that I miss about (my) Baguio

50's Diner's You an I

Forest House's blueberry cheesecake and unlimited coffee

Cafe Boss's dilapidated black couches and Tanduay Ice buckets

My favorite bulalo

Absurd boarding house windows and how you can make a great photo out of them

Zoom Zoom Lunacy

Cheap henna tattoo at Burnham Park

Sorority dates at Ayuyang

My huge unmade bed and the fried chicken breakfasts

CADUA's boodle fights

THE thesis room mix

Mt. Cloud Bookshop

7 eleven at Caltex and the countless bottles of beer

The pinetrees at our tambayan

THE bitch and how we are sober only once a week

How Karlo is ALWAYS drunk

Gin Tonic Nights at my bed

How Leira would always wear her pajamas during our Thursday Habit

The lights at Miguel's Bar

How Le Azul is always open even when the sun is still out

Aimless walking

Having a best friend that is always there for you (4pm onwards) for only 101 pesos

How there is always something that twinkles in the dark

Ang Mansyon

The profound wisdom in the most unlikely places

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