Sunday, November 6, 2011

The scariest type of monsters are the ones that disguise themselves as people.

I have stared at frustration in the face. Along with defeat, failure, and rejection. Senselessness is also an inevitable presence, carrying along loneliness and misery. And you think, maybe someone couldn't go lower than that. Maybe.

Being aware about people claiming that they are lost, I couldn't help but imagine if we are in the same plane of existence. But then again, the realization that you are already too far gone is something entirely different from merely not knowing - what to do, where to go, which to believe - because essentially, being too far gone is knowing. Suddenly that Bible phrase professing "the more you know, the more it hurts," makes perfect sense.

Suddenly, an aching heartbroken teenager claiming that he is stuck in the moment fails monumentally in comparison.

Then, the human nature of finding someone to blame urges the soul to search for meaning in the dynamics, but utterly failing in all of its glorious futility. When something as grand and fundamental as existence is in question, pain becomes a sorry joke.

And trying becomes a daily effort. In the absence of philosophy's victory, science asserts control. The self becomes an object of evolution, of physics, of chemistry, desperately finding a single successful pathway of being. But even then, the tiniest molecules have surrendered to forces far greater, darker, stronger.

Finally looking in the mirror, you understand how evil is born.

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